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Mike J's Journey with Crohn's Disease

Michael Jannicelli’s journey with Crohn’s disease began at the age of 20. Despite the challenges, he transformed his experience into a mission to assist others in navigating their own paths with Crohn’s. Michael also battles psoriasis and initially struggled with ulcerative colitis. By sharing his story and providing support, he strives to empower others to live better, feel better, and find strength in the community


Living with Crohn's disease is a lifelong battle, but at Crohns Disease Fighters, we stand together, resilient and united. Our motto is simple: 'FUCKIT, Crohn's Disease and all other auto immune diseases.' Join the fight, check out our shop, and get your own t-shirt today to show your support!

Overcoming Early Challenges

Michael's early years were marked by severe pain and frequent hospital visits, which tested his resilience and determination. He faced intense abdominal pain and other debilitating symptoms during flare-ups, making daily life a constant struggle. Navigating different medications and treatments was a challenging process, but it was essential to find what worked best for managing his symptoms. Through trial and error, Michael learned effective pain management techniques, including meditation, physical therapy, and medication.

Handling unexpected hospital visits and emergency room stays became a routine part of Michael's life. He quickly realized the importance of establishing a reliable medical team who understood his condition and provided consistent care. Learning to communicate effectively with doctors and nurses was crucial in advocating for himself and ensuring he received the best possible care.

The emotional toll of living with Crohn's disease was significant. Michael struggled with anxiety and depression, often feeling isolated and overwhelmed by his condition. However, he found strength in his support systems, relying on family, friends, and support groups for emotional support and encouragement. By turning his struggles into a source of motivation, Michael found purpose in helping others and raising awareness about Crohn's disease.

Balancing life and illness was a constant challenge. Despite frequent absences and health-related setbacks, Michael managed to stay on track academically and continued pursuing his passions. He found ways to participate in activities he loved, such as sports, hobbies, and social events, while carefully managing his condition. Setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories helped him maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated.

Michael's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. By maintaining a positive attitude, continuously educating himself about Crohn's disease, and adapting his lifestyle, he was able to manage his symptoms and live a fulfilling life. His story inspires and encourages others facing similar challenges, demonstrating that it is possible to overcome early challenges and thrive despite chronic illness.

Discovering Effective Treatments


Through trial and error, Michael discovered a combination of medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments that helped manage his symptoms. His journey to find effective treatments was filled with obstacles, but his persistence paid off. Here is a more detailed and polished account of Michael's experience:


Discovering effective treatments for Crohn's disease has been a journey marked by determination, patience, and resilience. Like many others living with this chronic illness, Michael faced numerous setbacks and frustrations as he navigated the complex landscape of treatment options. However, his unwavering commitment to finding relief propelled him forward.

Michael's journey began with the daunting task of identifying the right medications. He worked closely with his healthcare team, trying various drugs to manage inflammation and alleviate symptoms. The process was often challenging, as some medications caused adverse side effects or failed to provide the desired relief. Despite these hurdles, Michael remained hopeful, understanding that finding the right treatment would take time and perseverance.

In addition to medications, Michael explored the impact of dietary changes on his condition. He experimented with different diets, learning to identify foods that triggered flare-ups and those that helped soothe his digestive system. Through careful observation and the guidance of nutritionists, Michael developed a personalized eating plan that minimized his symptoms and supported his overall health.

Lifestyle adjustments also played a crucial role in Michael's treatment strategy. He incorporated regular exercise into his routine, which helped reduce stress and improve his physical well-being. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, became essential tools for managing the emotional toll of living with Crohn's disease. By embracing a holistic approach, Michael found that these lifestyle changes complemented his medical treatments and enhanced his quality of life.

Michael's journey was not without its share of obstacles. There were times when progress seemed slow, and setbacks threatened to undermine his efforts. However, he never gave up. His persistence, coupled with the support of his medical team and loved ones, ultimately led him to discover a combination of treatments that effectively managed his symptoms.

Today, Michael's story stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of a multifaceted approach to treatment. His experience underscores the value of patience, experimentation, and the willingness to adapt. By sharing his journey, Michael hopes to inspire others to remain steadfast in their pursuit of effective treatments, reminding them that while the path may be challenging, it is possible to find relief and achieve a better quality of life.

Michael's Advocacy and Support Efforts

Michael co-founded Crohn's Fighters to raise awareness and provide support for those living with Crohn's disease. His advocacy efforts have included public speaking, fundraising, and creating educational content to help others understand and manage their condition. Here are some key aspects of Michael's advocacy and support work:

  • Founding Crohn's Fighters:
    • Michael's personal journey with Crohn's disease fueled his passion for helping others. Recognizing the need for a dedicated platform, he co-founded Crohn's Fighters, a community-focused organization aimed at offering support, resources, and a sense of belonging to individuals affected by the disease.
  • Public Speaking:
    • Michael has become a powerful voice in the Crohn's community, sharing his story and insights at conferences, seminars, and community events. His public speaking engagements are not only educational but also deeply inspirational, as he highlights the challenges and triumphs of living with Crohn's disease. Through his talks, Michael aims to break the stigma surrounding chronic illnesses and encourage others to speak openly about their experiences.
  • Fundraising Initiatives:
    • Understanding the financial burden that Crohn's disease can impose, Michael has spearheaded various fundraising campaigns to support research, patient care, and community programs. These initiatives have raised significant funds, which are used to advance medical research, improve treatment options, and provide financial assistance to those in need. Michael's dedication to fundraising reflects his commitment to creating a brighter future for the Crohn's community.
  • Educational Content Creation:
    • To empower individuals with knowledge, Michael has created a wealth of educational content, including articles, videos, and social media posts. These resources cover a wide range of topics, from understanding Crohn's disease and its symptoms to practical tips for managing daily life with the condition. By making information accessible and easy to understand, Michael helps others make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
  • Community Building:
    • At the heart of Michael's advocacy is his belief in the power of community. Through Crohn's Fighters, he has built a network of support where individuals can connect, share experiences, and find encouragement. Michael organizes support groups, online forums, and community events to foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support. His efforts have helped many feel less isolated and more empowered to face their challenges.
  • Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals:
    • Michael works closely with healthcare professionals, including gastroenterologists, nutritionists, and mental health experts, to ensure that the information and resources provided by Crohn's Fighters are accurate and up-to-date. This collaboration helps bridge the gap between medical knowledge and patient experience, offering comprehensive support to those affected by Crohn's disease.
  • Raising Awareness:
    • Through various campaigns and media appearances, Michael strives to raise public awareness about Crohn's disease. By sharing his story in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms, he brings attention to the realities of living with a chronic illness and advocates for better understanding and support from the broader community.

Michael's advocacy and support efforts are a testament to his dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of those living with Crohn's disease. His work not only provides valuable resources and support but also inspires others to take an active role in managing their condition and advocating for themselves and others. Through Crohn's Fighters, Michael continues to lead by example, showing that with resilience, determination, and a strong community, it is possible to overcome the challenges of Crohn's disease and live a fulfilling life.

A Message to Others with Crohn's & auto immune diseases

A Message to Others with Crohn’s Disease

Michael’s message to those affected by Crohn’s disease is one of hope and resilience. He encourages others to stay informed, seek support, and never give up on finding effective ways to manage their condition. Here’s a more detailed and heartfelt message from Michael:


To everyone living with Crohn’s disease,

I know firsthand the physical pain, emotional strain, and daily challenges that come with this condition. My journey has been filled with ups and downs, but through it all, I’ve learned that hope and resilience are powerful allies. I want you to know that you are not alone in this fight.

Stay informed about your condition. Knowledge is empowering, and understanding your disease can help you make informed decisions about your health. Keep up with the latest research, treatment options, and self-care strategies. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek second opinions. Your health is your priority, and being proactive is crucial.

Seek support from those who understand. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can be incredibly comforting and motivating. Join support groups, engage in online communities, and talk to friends and family about what you’re going through. There is strength in numbers, and together, we can face the challenges of Crohn’s disease.

Never give up on finding effective ways to manage your condition. It can be frustrating when treatments don’t work as expected, but persistence is key. Work closely with your healthcare providers to find the best approach for you. Be open to trying new therapies, adjusting your lifestyle, and exploring complementary treatments. Your path to wellness is unique, and it may take time to find what works best for you.

Most importantly, believe in yourself. Your journey with Crohn’s disease may be difficult, but you have the strength to overcome it. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and stay focused on the positive aspects of your life. You are stronger than you think, and your resilience can inspire others.

I am here for you, and so is the entire Crohn’s Fighters community. Together, we can share our stories, support each other, and find hope in the face of adversity. Remember, you are not defined by your disease; you are defined by your courage and determination.

Keep fighting, stay hopeful, and never give up.

With heartfelt solidarity,

Michael Jannicelli

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