Empower Your Journey with Crohn's Fighters
Your resource for understanding & managing Crohn's disease
At Crohns Fighters, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive information, support, and resources for those affected by Crohns disease and their loved ones. Explore our site to learn more about managing this condition and connecting with a community that understands your journey.
About Crohns Disease
Understanding Crohns Disease
Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune system factors. Treatment options range from medication and dietary changes to surgery, aimed at reducing inflammation and managing symptoms.
Mike J's Journey with Crohn's Disease, Psoriasis, Ulcerative colitis, & Arthritis

Michael Jannicelli's journey with Crohn's disease began at 20 years old. Despite the challenges, Mike has transformed his experience into a mission to assist others in navigating their own paths with Crohn's. He also battles Psoriasis and initially struggled with Ulcerative Colitis. By sharing his story and providing support, Mike strives to empower others to live better, feel better, and find strength in community.

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Voices and Perspectives to Improve, Innovate and Inspire
ImproveCareNow (ICN) believes that when patients and parents/caregivers are true partners in the design and delivery of IBD care, we can achieve even better outcomes. One way our Learning Health Network fosters this partnership with our pediatric IBD families is...
Vivre en Australie avec Crohn / AMGEVITA
Bonjour à tous, Je poste ce message pour partager mon expérience et aider des personnes comme moi qui cherchent des réponses sur la vie en Australie avec la maladie de Crohn. Je m’appelle Flavie, j’ai 23 ans et j’ai été diagnostiquée avec la maladie de Crohn il y a...
How your brain learns from rewards might hold the key to treating depression
Using computational models, the researchers studied how the brain's reward-learning system functions in those with depression, especially among individuals experiencing anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure. By analyzing dopamine-linked responses, they identified...
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